Let me prefix this post by stating quite clearly that I am a Democrat. I really hope that Barack Obama wins the presidency. If he does win will it really matter? If we are honest, one man can't change the entire world overnight. He has to first get his hands around the politics of being President of the United States. That’s HUGE!
Neither Obama nor McCain have ever before experienced anything quite like the United States Presidency. As with anything new there will be a growing and learning curve for the new president to maneuver through. Mistakes are to be expected. We hold officials to a higher standard than we hold ourselves. Before we put that much faith into our next president, whether it is Obama or whether it ends up being McCain, we need to take a careful look at the time, energy and effort both Obama and McCain have committed to this race. They have both spent countless hours talking to reporters, networking with big wigs, seeking the support of different groups and constituencies and dealing with life in general. Surely the stress of the entire political process from their points of view must be uniquely disconcerting and simply mind-blowing.
After this excruciating and very public challenge both Obama and McCain will undoubtedly need time to regroup. Therefore I really don't expect too much to happen in the first 6-12 months of the next presidential term. So let’s ask a much more important question of ourselves. Shall we? What are you and I going to do over the next 6-12 months that we have not done yet?
You see, regardless of which one of our candidates wins the election, our lives will be most impacted by how we personally choose to answer that question and what actions we take upon answering it. To accurately assess where you will be 6 to 12 months into the next term, take the following self-assessment to determine where you are in 3 key areas:
· Financially �" Are your finances in order? How much do you make? How much do you save? When can you pay off all your debts? What can you do to make money work for you in a more lucrative way? In what ways can you create additional streams of income? Do you know how to make money in a down-economy?
· Emotionally �" Are your significant relationships in order? Are you a basically happy and stable human being? How do you express your love? Are you in a good place mentally? Is stress taking a toll on you? What are you willing to do to diminish the effects of unresolved stress in your life?
· Spiritually �" Are you clear on your life’s WHY? Will the things that you accomplish in this lifetime have meaning and significance to others after you have passed away? Are you fair? Do you treat others the way you want them to treat you? Is God your inspiration?
Once you have completed your self-assessment, which in most cases is very eye-opening indeed, you will be ready to look at your life and where you are in order to make a plan to get to where you want to be in all key areas of your life. Let’s start with the area that I can assist you in financially. Now that you have answered the core questions, we are going to go in ever deeper. You see, I am an expert in this area and I am ready to help you optimize your finances now and into the future. Please answer the following Financial Self-Assessment Questions as accurately and as honestly as you possibly can:
Financial Self-Assessment Questions
· Are you moving in a positive, productive and prosperous direction financially?
· Do you have an exit plan for situations that prove unproductive?
· What is your specific goal or end game?
· Where will you be financially 6 to 12 and to 18 months into the next presidential term?
· Who is your financial/wealth-building mentor?
· How are you going to make changes that will change your life and your family’s lives regardless of whomever wins the presidency?
· When will you set aside time on a regular basis to meet with like-minded and success-centered individuals?
· Why do you want to build financial success?
Change, real change starts with YOU! That is why I say that it does not really matter whether Obama or whether McCain wins the election. If you are not ready to take ownership of your life, whatever the new president does will not make a difference. If you are not ready to commit to making some changes it really does not matter. You need to have the mentality that proclaims, "If it’s going to happen, I must make it happen!†YOU will be the key to your reaching and achieving your goals financially. So, stop blaming the economy. Stop blaming the Big 3 for job losses. Stop blaming your spouse. Don’t even bother to blame ol’ Kwame! YOU are the key. Say, “ I have to be the captain of my ship. I refuse to let my ship crash without exhausting every possibility.â€
If you are committed to making some serious changes and taking some calculated risk, the Power to Be Free will help you to achieve phenomenal success regardless of which candidate wins the presidency. Do you really want to ignite CHANGE in your life? You need to be a part of the Power to Be Free Team. Consider this your formal invitation to connect with your success team at the next Power to Be Free meeting where you will set your financial goals and we will help you develop a plan and strategy to reach your goals.
It’s time to CHANGE your life!
Visit www.ThePowertoBeFree.com to find out when and where you can meet us.
Darrick H. Scruggs, CEO
Power to Be Free
About the Author
Successful Small Business Owner and Commercial Real Estate Coach, owner of 5 successul small businesses ranging from Real Estate Acquisition to a Full Service Tax and Financial Services operation.
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